Dr. Alessandra Putrino

Alessandra PUTRINO

Research Fellow in Forensic Anthropology, Department of Anatomical, Histological, Forensic Medicine and Orthopedic Science , Sapienza University - Rome, Italy

Post-Doc Researcher of MICHR

Mediterranean University - Reggio Calabria, Italy

DDS, Specialist in Othodontics, PhD Researcher

Sapienza University - Rome, Italy

Health Director at MF Dental (Dental Office)

Rome, Italy

Current Position

I am currently a research fellow in Forensic Anthropology at Sapienza University of Rome (the University where where I have carried out all my professional and academic training), under the Department of Anatomical, Histological, Forensic Medicine and Orthopedic Science. Before this assignment, in the last year, I worked like postdoctoral researcher at the Mediterranean International Center for Human Rights (MICHR) of the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria within the Artificial Intelligence and Law program. My initial research interests were in general the application of new technologies in dentistry, and in particular orthodontic and gnathology, the evolution of orthodontic and gnathological therapies themselves, the understanding and management of morpho-functional and dysfunctional processes in growing subjects and adults. Although I am continuing to follow these fields of research, I am actively following several researches in forensic dentistry and anthropology and, also in these fields, I follow international collaborations for consultancy and research purposes. I manage the MF Dental office in Rome as Health Director, where I mainly work as an orthodontist and gnathologist. I am a consultant in orthodontics and gnathology for other dental offices in Rome.

Education, Experience and Achievements

My research activity in Forensic Anthropology related to new dental and orthodontic technologies applied to forensic anthropology for identification purposes began in September 2022 under the scientific guidance of the Professors of Forensic Medicine Zaami and Marinelli at the Sapienza University of Rome in the SAIMLAL Department. Previously, from September 2021 to August 2022 I participated as post-doc researcher in the MICHR international program of the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria, Department of Economics and Law, on artificial intelligence and law and publications on the activities will soon be available carried out here under the direction of Professor Viglianisi Ferraro.

Until Februray 2019 I was a research doctor at the Sapienza University of Rome at the Department of Odontostomatological and Maxillofacial Sciences and the Institute of Forensic Medicine of the Department of Anatomical, Histological, Forensic and Locomotor Apparatus Sciences. My PhD director was Professor Antonella Polimeni, who currently directs Sapienza University as Rector. My doctoral work has focused on the application of 3D technologies (intraoral scanner) in use in orthodontics for the diagnosis and planning of treatments in the medical-legal / forensic field with the aim of personal identification on living and deceased subjects. My PhD thesis has been published both in its entirety (download) and in the form of a research article (download). The protocols developed for the scanning of the arches for forensic purposes and the data obtained were presented in various congresses and universities in Italy and abroad (Rome 2018, United Arab Emirates 2018, Holland 2018). While I was doing my doctorate, I also worked on other lines of research, both in the orthodontic field (with the Professors of Orthodontics Ersilia Barbato and Gabriella Galluccio) and forensics (with the Professor of Forensic Medicine in Dentistry Enrico Marinelli, my thesis co-supervisor doctorate together with Professor Galluccio).

Before obtaining the title of PhD I obtained the Specialization in Orthodontics and Gnathology with honors at the Sapienza University of Rome. In the 3 years of the Specialization School, I managed the therapies of over a hundred patients with different types of malocclusions who required the use of different therapeutic approaches: from fixed multibrackets to functional mobile orthodontics, to orthopedic therapies, to gnathological rehabilitation therapies, up to the management of complex surgical-orthodontic cases such as the recovery of retained and included teeth. I have conducted therapies on syndromic and non-syndromic patients gaining the necessary experience in the management of situations such as multiple agenesis, cleft lip and palate and other alterations of normal dento-facial development. My thesis, which then became the subject of publication (download), was a retrospective study on the association between agenesis and the presence of the vertebral anomaly called "ponticulus posticus". This research work was presented by me as a Table Clinic at the 2017 Annual Conference of the American Association of Orthodontics in San Diego, California (USA). Previously I graduated in Dentistry, also at the Sapienza University of Rome with an experimental thesis on the comparison in the biological behavior of standard multibrackets with MBT prescription and self-ligating ones. The experimental work that was then published (download) consisted in the withdrawal of crevicular fluid from the gingival sulcus of a large number of patients to analyze the concentration variations of some chemical mediators of inflammation (IL-1 beta, PGE2, OPG) in response to the two different mechanical stimuli based on the immuno-enzymatic reactions of the different samples taken.

Scientific Databases Profile

My research activity
